SEC 2. Data plane and control plane protection in the networking (Nokia, Cisco and Mellanox/Cumulus) for IPv6. Anton KarneliukNetworkingNovember 7, 2019 Hello my friend, After the release of the previous article outlining the data and control plane security for IPv4 in Cisco, Nokia and Mellanox/Cumulus (link) I’ve got several requests about the security in IPv6. The requests were fair enough and … Continue reading2
SEC 1. Data plane and control plane protection in the networking (Nokia, Cisco and Mellanox/Cumulus) for IPv4. Anton KarneliukNetworkingOctober 14, 2019 Hello my friend, This is the third article where we use the Mellanox SN 2010 running Cumulus Linux. And today … Continue reading2
Access-lists (ACL) in Nokia (Alcatel-Lucent) SR and Cisco IOS XR Anton KarneliukNetworkingSeptember 6, 2016 Hello my friend, In this article I’ll cover two functions of access-lists, which they have in Nokia (Alcatel-Lucent) SR OS … Continue reading