Hello my friend, In the previous blogpost we’ve started the discussion about the instructions, which yo need to know in order to create a Python’s code. Namely, we you have learned how to create and use for loops for the …
Karneliuk Articles.
Hello my friend, Today I have a unique opportunity to talk to one of the most well-known authors in the …
Hello my friend, We have covered all the necessary types of the Python’s variables (ordinary, lists and dictionaries) and now …
Hello my friend, We have discussed so far ordinary variables in string, numeric and Boolean formats and list variables. Today …
Hello my friend, So far, we have covered the separate variables and the list variables in the Python 3.8. Before …
Hello my friend, We continue discussion about the variable in the Python, which we have started in the previous article. …
Hello my friend, We are slowly but surely start talking about more and more useful and interesting topics staying yet …
Hello my friend, I was thinking what the next thing shall be right after you have installed the Python. Initially …
Hello my friend, Time to time we are getting the messages from you that it is getting tougher to find …
Hello my friend, This year, besides Cisco championship started for me with an opportunity to speak at UKNOF event in …
Hello my friend, I had an honour to be invited to Cumulus Linux podcast, where we had quite an interesting …