My highlights on Cisco Live 2019

Software Development IT infrastructure (compute/network/storage) DevOps

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  1. Thank you Anton for the good comments about me, it is more than I deserve. Compliments about the Cisco Live report, it is the best I have ever read and heard about Cisco Live and of course I agree on all you are describing with your great passion and your knowledge. Where I live, we would say about you: this guy has an extra gear! 🙂

  2. Hi Anton, thank you for this very interesting feedback !
    I have a question about the support of the latency performance monitoring if the longest Links in our network are between routers connected via BGP and not with ISIS-SR.
    How can we ask the SR PCE to compute the best latency path in that case ?

    1. Hi Marco,
      Generally performance monitoring is configured outside ISIS, meaning the values are collected. Technically there are several opportunities, like, streaming it using telemetry over gNMI to collector, which can then feed the SR-PCE with such latency.

  3. Hi Anton, do you have following slides? because I could not find them in Cisco live’s website.
    LABSPG-2000 Network slicing w/ sgegment routing Flex-Alorithm for 5G and other application;
    LABSPG-2001 Intent Based Networking using Segment Routing Traffic Engineering;
    LABSPG-2068 Configure and Implement BGP-EVPNwithSegment Routing using IOS-XR;
    thanks in advance

    1. Hi Nan,
      all slides you are requesting have “LAB” in the name meaning they are related to the instructor-led labs. I haven’t searched for them, but I’m not sure if such slides exist (or what information they contain, if the exist).

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