CEX (Code EXpress) 02. Your first Python code. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)February 8, 2020 Hello my friend, I was thinking what the next thing shall be right after you have installed the Python. Initially I was thinking about another topic, but decided to get some fun for you, as doing something is definitely fun.Continue reading
CEX (Code EXpress) 01. It starts with… the installation. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)February 2, 2020 Hello my friend, Time to time we are getting the messages from you that it is getting tougher to find … Continue reading
EVENTS. My experience attending and speaking at UKNOF 45 in London. Anton KarneliukGeneralJanuary 20, 2020 Hello my friend, This year, besides Cisco championship started for me with an opportunity to speak at UKNOF event in … Continue reading2
Cisco Champion 2020 Anton KarneliukGeneralJanuary 5, 2020 Dear friend, I hope you have a relaxing holiday period and now you are ready to kick off the new … Continue reading
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020! Anton KarneliukGeneralDecember 25, 2019 Dear friend, The year 2019 is almost over and it is a time to sincerely thank you for the time … Continue reading
DC. Part 16. Microsoft Azure SONiC on the Mellanox switches in data centre (with Cisco XR an Nokia SR OS for inter-OP). Anton KarneliukNetworkingDecember 23, 2019 Hello my friend, The Christmas and New Year is coming, so it is typically the time to think about the … Continue reading3
Podcast with Cumulus on Infrastructure-as-a-code in real life. Anton KarneliukVideoDecember 17, 2019 Hello my friend, I had an honour to be invited to Cumulus Linux podcast, where we had quite an interesting … Continue reading
Guest blog on network automation at THG Tech Anton KarneliukNetworkingNovember 26, 2019 Hello my friend, I’m very proud of working for THG as we are developing really outstanding technical solutions with a … Continue reading
SEC 2. Data plane and control plane protection in the networking (Nokia, Cisco and Mellanox/Cumulus) for IPv6. Anton KarneliukNetworkingNovember 7, 2019 Hello my friend, After the release of the previous article outlining the data and control plane security for IPv4 in … Continue reading2
SEC 1. Data plane and control plane protection in the networking (Nokia, Cisco and Mellanox/Cumulus) for IPv4. Anton KarneliukNetworkingOctober 14, 2019 Hello my friend, This is the third article where we use the Mellanox SN 2010 running Cumulus Linux. And today … Continue reading2
DC 15. Segment-routing/MPLS on the data centre white box switch and VNF/PNF networking (Nokia, Cisco and Mellanox/Cumulus). Anton KarneliukNetworkingOctober 3, 2019 Hello my friend, the article today would be very special because of three following points. First of all, we’ll talk … Continue reading2