CEX (Code EXpress) 04. List what you need. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)February 23, 2020 Hello my friend, We continue discussion about the variable in the Python, which we have started in the previous article. Today we cover new type, which is very useful and, therefore, widely used. In various programming languages, this type is … Continue reading
CEX (Code EXpress) 03. Variable is better than fixed. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)February 16, 2020 Hello my friend, We are slowly but surely start talking about more and more useful and interesting topics staying yet … Continue reading
CEX (Code EXpress) 02. Your first Python code. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)February 8, 2020 Hello my friend, I was thinking what the next thing shall be right after you have installed the Python. Initially … Continue reading
CEX (Code EXpress) 01. It starts with… the installation. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)February 2, 2020 Hello my friend, Time to time we are getting the messages from you that it is getting tougher to find … Continue reading