GNMI. Part 1. Intro to Protobuf. Anton KarneliukNetworkingMay 11, 2020 Hello my friend, Some time ago we have covered in-depth OpenConfig with NETCONF configuration as well as the OpenConfig telemetry with NETCONF. Today we want to make a next step and start discussion about another approach to manage the network … Continue reading
HS. Part 5. Automation at high-scale: Bringing network up (Docker SONIC-P4 and Linux bridges) based on the network graph. Anton KarneliukNetworkingMay 5, 2020 Hello my friend, Finally we approached the point where we start dealing with the network functions again, now at a … Continue reading
HS. Part 4. Forging Microsoft SONiC configuration out of the network graph. Anton KarneliukNetworkingApril 27, 2020 Hello my friend, The visualisation of the network graph is an important part of the network development and management, but … Continue reading
HS. Part 3. Working out graphs capabilities for the network modelling. Anton KarneliukNetworkingApril 20, 2020 Hello my friend, There was quite a considerable amount of the feedbacks on the previous post about the data centre … Continue reading
HS. Part 2. Automatic generation and visualisation of the network topology. Anton KarneliukNetworkingApril 13, 2020 Hello my friend, Surprisingly for myself in the previous post about networking I’ve started completely new topic. It was about … Continue reading
CEX (Code EXpress) 10. Creating user functions. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)April 5, 2020 Hello my friend, So far you have learned the most vital tools to start writing your code in Python such … Continue reading
CEX (Code EXpress) 09. For loop + if conditional = while loop. And the most popular math functions. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)March 29, 2020 Hello my friend, So far you have learned about the for loop and if conditional. Both of these tools are … Continue reading
CEX (Code EXpress) 08. Conditionals and wishes. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)March 22, 2020 Hello my friend, In the previous blogpost we’ve started the discussion about the instructions, which yo need to know in … Continue reading
CEX (Code EXpress) 07. Loops are bad in the networks, but not in code. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)March 15, 2020 Hello my friend, We have covered all the necessary types of the Python’s variables (ordinary, lists and dictionaries) and now … Continue reading
CEX (Code EXpress) 06. Look into your dictionary. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)March 8, 2020 Hello my friend, We have discussed so far ordinary variables in string, numeric and Boolean formats and list variables. Today … Continue reading1
CEX (Code EXpress) 05. From lists to separate variables and back. Anton KarneliukCode EXpress (CEX)March 1, 2020 Hello my friend, So far, we have covered the separate variables and the list variables in the Python 3.8. Before … Continue reading