vlog. Episode 6. Closed-loop automation [LIVE] Anton KarneliukVideoSeptember 24, 2019 Hello my friend, This vlog episode I’m alone. Eh… But I have an opportunity to share with you the talk I’ve delivered an the NetLdn #6 event two weeks ago. Now you have an opportunity to watch this talk as … Continue reading
DC 14. Real case of using ZTP to setup Mellanox SN 2010 with Cumulus Linux. Anton KarneliukNetworkingSeptember 18, 2019 Hello my friend, Earlier in this year we’ve discussed zero touch provisioning using the Data Centre Fabric Enabler Infrastructure. As … Continue reading
vlog. Episode 5. NetLdn: Networking for Networkers Anton KarneliukVideoSeptember 7, 2019 Hello my friends, It is always cool to talk about various network technologies with the engineers from industry, and to … Continue reading
REST API 3. Basics cheat sheet (Ansible, Bash, Postman, and Python) for PATCH/PUT using NetBox Anton KarneliukNetworkingAugust 28, 2019 Hello my friend, This is the third and the last article about REST API basics. In the previous articles, you … Continue reading
REST API 2. Basics cheat sheet (Ansible, Bash, Postman, and Python) for POST/DELETE using NetBox and Docker as examples Anton KarneliukNetworkingAugust 8, 2019 Hello my friend, In the previous blogpost, we started the exciting journey in the world of REST API, where you … Continue reading
REST API 1. Basics cheat sheet (Ansible, Bash, Postman, and Python) for GET using NetBox and Docker as examples Anton KarneliukNetworkingJuly 16, 2019 Hello my friend, There was a small pause with the blogposts caused by heavy load I had with the ongoing … Continue reading
vlog. Episode 4. Discussion about RPKI OV (protecting routing in Internet) Anton KarneliukVideoJuly 8, 2019 Hello my friend, In the era when Internet plays more and more crucial role in the global business, the security … Continue reading
vlog. Episode 3. Discussion about technical roles in vendors Anton KarneliukVideoJune 18, 2019 Hello my friend, Many times when I visited various conferences or had meetings with vendors, I was confused by the … Continue reading
DC/SP. Part 13/8. Real-time data analytics and closed-loop automation with InfluxData Kapacitor for the Data Centre Fabric Anton KarneliukNetworkingJune 12, 2019 Hello my friend, This article is kind of a special one for me. It doesn’t mean that everything I have … Continue reading
Three years on air Anton KarneliukGeneralJune 5, 2019 Hello my friend, Three years ago, on the 5th June 2016, we have posted the first article about Nokia SR … Continue reading
vlog. Episode 2. Discussion about the intent-based networking with Jeff Tantsura Anton KarneliukVideoJune 3, 2019 Hello my friend, Talking to experts from the telecommunication and IT industry is not an easy task, because you need … Continue reading