BGP between Nokia (Alcatel-Lucent) SR and Cisco IOS XR

Software Development IT infrastructure (compute/network/storage) DevOps

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  1. hi Anton

    Let me congratulate you for such a creative labs, I just got some questions or doubts about it

    1.-Finals configs are the final configs? it is just that some parameters were missing according to your design. for example in SR1 It is supposed to be connected with SR2 and XR, but if you take a look in final configs you only use a port, same situation from XR to S1 in IGP.
    2.-I tested all your labs Timos 12, but in connection from SR1 to SR3 when you add to a vprn ask for access port.
    It seems that you got another final configuration, but anyway, I faced a couple hours becasue I translate all your labs to cisco IOS to save power in my Lab, I dont have a server.


    1. Hi Hugo,

      I’ve tested this configuration using TiMOS 12 and running it on EVE-NG in my laptop (i7 with 16GB of RAM). I tested it with 3 SR-OS router (I didn’t use XRv because somehow it run very slow in EVE-NG) with the following topology:

      / \
      SR1 ——— SR2

      And in my opinion there is nothing wrong with the configuration.

      And to make it works, I turned all ports into hybrid mode, so the port can be attach to either routerinterface or SAP at VPRN

      Best Regards

  2. hi Anton,

    I am a big fan of your blog, really so much to learn about Service Provider networks (MPLS and its Services) from this blog.

    I have question regarding the “expression” when we create BGP policy, could you explain what are they used for ?
    I try to googled it and found the following links:

    But still I cannot comprehend, why we need this expression when we create policy for BGP attributes (such as as-path, community, etc).

    Best Regards

    1. Hello Fakhri,

      Thanks for kind feedback.

      If you refer to regular expressions, they are widely used across all vendors (Nokia, Cisco, Junier, Huawei and so on). This is the sophisticated methos of route filtering, which can be applied to path attributes you have mentioned: AS-PATH community and so on. For example, instead of creating list that matches the whole AS-PATH, you can just prefer routes coming through certain AS and so on.
      More info: and


  3. Hello Anton!! I liked very much your aarticle!
    My name is Renato and we work in a Telecom Company. We are change the our BGP router and I would like to know how brand you consider the best in BGP work, Huawei, Nokia, Juniper or Cisco?
    We receive commercial propouse for SR-01, Juniper MX-10003 and Huawei NE8000-M14 and ZTE M6000-8S Plus.

    1. Hello Renato,
      Thanks for your message. I think it is all down to your requirements:
      – which functionality (IPv4/IPv6, MPLS, PIC, AddPath, etc)
      – how many routes
      – which amount of traffic you need to pass and so on.

      Also, for sure, the commercial aspect would be important, as different companies would offer different models (someone may have high purchasing price but predictable support costs, whereas with others it may not that obvious with seemingly low prices).

      If you are interested, you can use our consulting services so that we can help you to work out the solution:


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